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Celebrating the mutual research collaborations between RIKEN and NTU

RIKEN – NTU Neuroscience Workshop held in Singapore

September 08, 2022

Celebrating the 10th anniversary of the mutual research collaboration agreement and showcasing of the research works by the members of the RIKEN – NTU Joint Research Centres, RIKEN – NTU Neuroscience Workshop was held by hybrid form at Nanyang Technological University (NTU) Lee Kong Chang School of Medicine (LKCMedicine) in Singapore on September 05, 2022. At the on-site workshop, which was co-organised by RIKEN and NTU LKCMedicine, having Mr Yoshiaki TAKAHASHI, Minister, Embassy of Japan in Singapore as a guest of honour, five RIKEN scientists presented their research works together with their research collaborators in Singapore. The workshop spanned a wide range of disciplines, not only in medicine and biology, but also in chemistry and engineering. At the end of the lively and successful workshop, the RIKEN – NTU Joint Research Centre co-Directors Prof Atsushi IRIKI from RIKEN and Prof Kah Leong LIM from NTU promised to further deepen their cooperation, both in terms of research and the exchange of young researchers between the two research institutions.

Above: RIKEN Executive Director in charge of international affairs Prof Makiko NAKA is delivering her opening remarks by video at the workshop
Above: Workshop participants group photo taken at the workshop venue at LKCMedicine
The two co-Directors of the RIKEN – NTU Joint Research Centre: (from the right in the front row in the photo) Prof Atsushi IRIKI, Head of Laboratory for Symbolic Cognitive Development, RIKEN Centre for Biosystems Dynamics Research, RIKENJapan, and Prof Kah Leong LIM, President’s Chair in Translational Neuroscience, Vice-Dean (Research), LKCMedicine, &Research Director (Biomedical and Life Sciences), NTU Singapore