RIKEN Headquarters Homepage


As an institution at the forefront of research in science and technology, RIKEN is always on the lookout for talented young scientists, skilled technicians and experienced researchers to join existing projects and laboratories, or form their own. Scientists from nearly any field will find a place for themselves given RIKEN’s broad research scope and large number of centers and labs , which offer a rich environment for conducting cutting-edge scientific and technological research

>>Read more at https://www.riken.jp/en/careers/index.html.

My life at RIKEN

Watch young researchers talk about their life at RIKEN

Watch more videos at YouTube riken english channel

Job opportunities

➣ Current job openings: https://www.riken.jp/en/careers/openings/index.html

Programs for Junior scientists

➣ RIKEN Early Career Leaders Program (ECL)

➣ Special Postdoctoral Researchers Program (SPDR)

  • SPDR was instituted to provide young and creative scientists the opportunity to be involved in autonomous and independent research that is in line with RIKEN objectives and research fields.
  • Applications open around February each year.
  • For more information, please visit https://www.riken.jp/en/careers/programs/spdr/index.html

➣ International Program Associate (IPA)
