As an institution at the forefront of research in science and technology, RIKEN is always on the lookout for talented young scientists, skilled technicians and experienced researchers to join existing projects and laboratories, or form their own. Scientists from nearly any field will find a place for themselves given RIKEN’s broad research scopeand large number of centers and labs , which offer a rich environment for conducting cutting-edge scientific and technological research
The positions focus on natural and mathematical sciences, including research areas bordering the humanities and social sciences, and provide researchers with an appropriate research environment corresponding to their research plan and career stage.
SPDR was instituted to provide young and creative scientists the opportunity to be involved in autonomous and independent research that is in line with RIKEN objectives and research fields.
IPA is a non-Japanese doctoral candidate attending a Japanese or overseas graduate school participating in RIKEN’s joint graduate school program. IPAs conduct research at RIKEN under the supervision of RIKEN scientists as part of work toward obtaining a PhD.
Applications open in April and September each year.