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Fugaku takes top honors on HPCG and Graph500 rankings for fifth consecutive term

June 17, 2022

The supercomputer Fugaku, which RIKEN began providing for shared use in March 2021, has taken the No. 1 place for the fifth consecutive term on the High Performance Conjugate Gradient (HPCG) and Graph500 rankings. It also ranked second in the TOP500 and HPL-AI rankings. This result was based on the Fugaku’s full specifications (432 racks, 158,976 nodes). These results were announced on May 30 at ISC 2022, an international conference on high-performance computing held at the Congress Center Hamburg in Hamburg, Germany, and online.

>> Read more at https://www.riken.jp/en/news_pubs/news/2022/20220530_3/index.html
