May 11, 2017
On April 26, more than 600 guests, including Their Majesties the Emperor and Empress, celebrated RIKEN’s centennial at a ceremony held at the Tokyo International Forum in downtown Tokyo, Japan. RIKEN Singapore Office’s Director Tsuzawa and Deputy Director Ohata attended the ceremony. There were invited guests from around of the world, including VIPs of South East Asia’s leading research institutes and universities.
(right) Chairman Mr. Lim, A*STAR, Singapore (center) Deputy President Prof. Lam, NTU, Singapore
(left) Deputy Vice Chancellor (left) Prof. Sudesh, School of Biologocal Sciences, Prof. Rohana,University of Malaya,Malaysia Universiti Sains Malaysia,Malaysia
>> RIKEN’s News on April 27, 2017 ->Celebrating RIKEN’s hundredth birthday
March 21, 2017
A group of students and teachers from Seifu Nankai Senior High School in Osaka, Japan visited RIKEN Office for their Overseas Fieldwork. RIKEN S’pore RO Director Tsuzawa lectured about RIKEN and Singapore’s Scientific R&D landscape.
March 9, 2017
RIKEN and NTU Singapore collaborate in human biology research to develop innovative healthcare solutions
>> To read the entire press release, please click here(PDF file) .
March 3, 2017
Dr. Masayo TAKAHASHI, Project Leader, Laboratory for Retinal Regeneration, RIKEN Center for Developmental Biology, whose work led the world first clinical trial to use induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells in humans visited RIKEN Singapore with other researchers after their attendance at symposium in Singapore.
February 27-28, 2017
URICAS Symposium 2017 was held at Universiti Sains Malaysia(USM), Penang, Malaysia. USM-RIKEN Centre of Ageing Science (URICAS) was established at USM in February 2015 as a joint laboratory of USM and RIKEN to use the fruits of their collaborations since 1993 to solve the problems facing humanity as well as to strengthen joint research and personnel exchanges. At this symposium, 23 researchers from RIKEN and USM presented their research works, and USM students also participated by briefing and poster presentations of their projects.
One of Symposium presentations USM young researchers
For more information, please read following news releases :
>> From USM News Portal post (Link to USM website)
>> More news about RIKEN & USM collaborations in the past (Link to RIKEN HQ website)
June 24, 2016 Where do rubber trees get their rubber? Decoding the rubber tree genome
February 25, 2016 Delegation from USM visits RIKEN
February 20, 2015 Collaborative agreement between RIKEN and Universiti Sains Malaysia
January 15, 2014 RIKEN and Universti Sains Malaysia: a fruitful partnership
September 26, 2011 Opening of USM-RIKEN Joint Laboratory for Bioprobe Discovery
February 23, 2017
A group of 35 students and teachers from Ochanomizu University visited JST and RIKEN Singapore during their Singapore Science Program. Our Director Tsuzawa and Deputy Director Ohata lectured about Singapore Office and RIKEN’s R&D activities.
January 31, 2017
Mr. Kenji Shinoda, Ambassador of Japan to Singapore, accompanied by the Embassy officials visited RIKEN Office. They were welcomed by RIKEN and other Japanese research institutes’ representatives, and received presentations about their activities at Biopolis, followed by research facility visits.
(third from left) Ambassador of Japan to Singapore Mr.Shinoda
October 4, 2016
A group of year 11 students from Omiya Kita High School in Saitama Prefecture, Japan visited RIKEN Office for their overseas school trip in Singapore. RIKEN S’pore RO Director Tsuzawa lectured about Singapore and Singapore’s Scientific R&D landscape.
August 31, 2016
A group of students from The University of Tokyo visited RIKEN Office during their Overseas Experience Program in Singapore. RIKEN S’pore RO Director Tsuzawa lectured about Singapore and RIKEN’s R&D activities.
August 5-6, 2016
The one-north Festival, jointly organised by Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR) and JTC, is a celebration of research, innovation, creativity, and enterprise. The inaugural festival was open to the public on 5 and 6 August at Fusionopolis One @ one-north, Singapore. The Singapore offices of RIKEN and Japan Science and Technology Agency(JST), as tenants of Biopolis and members of one-north community, set up a joint exhibition booth at the festival and introduced our research activities and programs. 2016 marks 50th Anniversary of Singapore-Japan Diplomatic Relations (SJ50). Our booth exhibition was officially approved as a program in line with SJ50 projects.
June 13, 2016
RIKEN Executive Director Dr. Mutsuhiro Arinobu and Mr. Satoshi Kohara, Executive Director of The Business-University Forum of Japan, visited Singapore Office and had a meeting with Director Tsuzawa.
(from left) Mr.Tsuzawa, Dr. Arinobu, Mr. Kohara
June 10,2016
RIKEN President Prof. Hiroshi Matsumoto visited Singapore. He had courtesy visits to local research related institutes and meeting with local scientists.
Above left photo: NUS President Prof. Tan Chorh Chuan and Prof Matsumoto
Above right photo: At RIKEN Singapore Office
June 9, 2016
RIKEN President Prof. Hiroshi Matsumoto , accompanied by Director Tsuzawa, had a meeting with National Science and Technology Development Agency (NSTDA) President Dr. Thaweesak Koanantakool in Bangkok.
(from left) Mr. Tsuzawa, Prof Matsumoto, Dr. Thaweesak Koanantakool, and Prof. Sirirurg Songsivilai, Executive Director of National Nanotechnology Center (NANOTEC)
March 5, 2016
RIKEN Singapore Office Director Tsuzawa lectured on Japan’s Abenomics, Science, Technology and innovation policy as well as RIKEN’s R&D activities at National University of Singapore(NUS). This is his third lecture at NUS.
March 3, 2016
The 12th RIKEN Alumni Singapore Meeting was held on 25 February 2015 .
August 3, 2015
The 11th RIKEN Alumni Singapore Meeting was held on 3 August 2015 .
August 3, 2015
RIKEN held a joint symposium with The Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR), to commemorate 10 years’ anniversary of science and technology partnership between RIKEN and A*STAR at Sentosa Resort World Convention Centre Singapore on August 3, 2015 .
The theme of this symposium was “Material science toward next 50 years”.
>> RIKEN’s press release on August 7, 2015 ->Celebrating a decade of collaboration between Japan and Singapore
July 23, 2015
RIKEN Singapore Director Tsuzawa was invited to be one of speakers at a seminar for delegations from Okinawa, Japan. The seminar was held at Biopolis in Singapore and organized by Okinawa Prefectural Government, who is keen to learn about Biopolis and find business opportunities in Singapore for Okinawa’s biomedical related companies.
May 15, 2015
RIKEN Singapore Director Tsuzawa was invited to a meeting hosted by His Excellency, Mr. Haruhisa Takeuchi, Ambassador of Japan to Singapore. Mr. Tsuzawa and other guests, who are working at Singapore’s scientific and technological R&D institutes, exchanged views and discussed about R&D environment in Japan and Singapore with Mr. Takeuchi.
Research team from Thailand’s National Nanotechnology Center (NANOTEC) led by Prof. Sirirurg Songsivilai, Executive Director of NANOTEC made a two day visit to RIKEN . They visited RIKEN SPring-8 Centre in Harima, Hyogo prefecture on January 26, 2015 as well as RIKEN Advanced Institute for Computational Science (AICS) in Kobe on January 27, 2015. Mr. Tsuzawa, Director of RIKEN Singapore guided their trip to RIKEN. RIKEN and NSTDA ( NANOTEC is a research agency operating under NSTDA) concluded MOU in 2011.
**Photos** (Left) From left: Prof. Sirirurg Songsivilai, Executive Director of NANOTEC and Dr. Tetsuya Ishikawa, Director of RIKEN SPring-8 Center. (Right) NANOTEC Delegation in front of K Computer, the world’s leading super computer and simulator
December 17, 2014
The 10th RIKEN Alumni Singapore Meeting was held at RIKEN Singapore Representative Office meeting room. It has been almost 2 years since our last alumni meeting.
We discussed and exchanged ideas about RIKEN’s recent international research activities and further collaboration opportunities as well as personal and work updates among members. This meeting was hosted by Dr. Kenji OEDA, RIKEN Executive Director in charge of international relations, and organized by RIKEN Singapore Representative Office.
October 18, 2014
RIKEN Singapore Office Director Tsuzawa lectured on Japan’s Abenomics, Science, Technology and innovation policy as well as RIKEN’s R&D activities at National University of Singapore.
September 26, 2014
Delegation from the association of secretaries for members of the House of Representatives, Japan visited RIKEN Singapore Office. Director Tsuzawa lectured about Singapore and RIKEN’s R&D activities.
September 9, 2014
A group of students and teachers from Waseda University visited RIKEN Office. RIKEN S’pore RO Director Tsuzawa lectured about Singapore and RIKEN’s R&D activities.
July 1, 2014
We are pleased to announce that Mr. Genichi TSUZAWA has been appointed as new Director of RIKEN Singapore RO with effect from July 1, 2014. Mr. Kenichiro KAKIHARA, who has been Director of RIKEN Singapore RO since April 2006, is leaving for Japan to assume a new assignment at RIKEN Global Relations and Research Coordination Office.
November 15-16, 2011 “Singapore-Japan Joint Forum on Emerging Concepts in Microbiology ” was held at CRC Auditorium, MD11, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, NUS.
March 31, 2014
RIKEN and Singapore’s A*STAR (the Agency for Science, Technology and Research) agreed Extension of Memorandum of Understanding on General Collaboration (MOU), which first concluded in September 2005, and extended it in 2008 and 2011.
October 18, 2013 BIOPOLIS, Asia’s Biomedical Sciences R&D hub celebrated 10th anniversary. RIKEN Singapore RO was invited and joined the celebration event as a member of BIOPOLIS community.More than 30 booths from various research institutes and Biopolis tenants exhibited their research activities at Biopolis open house .
RIKEN Singapore RO Director Kakihara talks to one of visitors at RIKEN’s booth.
September 14-16, 2013 RIKEN President, Professor NOYORI Ryoji signed the documents that formally launched the RIKEN-NCBS(National Center for Biological Sciences ) Joint Research Center; and the RIKEN-JNCASR(Jawaharlal Nehru Center for Advanced Scientific Research)-IISc(Indian Institute of Science) Joint Research Center.The two centers will facilitate scientific exchange and foster collaborations between Japan and India, in the fields of biology, life science and materials science.RIKEN Singapore RO Director Kakihara attended the MOU signing ceremonies held in Delhi and Bangalore, India.
(Photo)Prof. M.R.S Rao, Dr. C.N.R. Rao and President NOYORI, after the lecture in Bangalore
September 9, 2013 A group of students and teachers from Waseda University visited RIKEN Office. Director Kakihara lectured about Singapore and RIKEN’s R&D activity.
July 18, 2013 Mr. Yasutoshi Nishimura, Senior Vice-Minister of Cabinet Office, Government of Japan and other staff visited RIKEN Office during their official visit to Singapore. RIKEN Singapore Director Kakihara was invited to the lunch meeting with other Japanese scientists working in Singapore.
March 18,2013 Prof. Bertil ANDERSSON, President of Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (NTU), Prof. Stephen SMITH, Vice President (Research), NTU and Prof. Michael KHOR, Director, Research Support Office, NTU visited RIKEN Yokohama Institute and Headquarters. RIKEN Singapore Representative Office Director Kakihara accompanied them.
(Photo) NTU President Prof.Andersson (fourth from left), RIKEN President Prof.Noyori (next to Prof. Andersson) and Singapore Office Director Kakihara ( far right) at RIKEN HQ.
March 8,2013 A group of students and teachers from Kagoshima University visited RIKEN Office. Director Kakihara lectured about Singapore and RIKEN’s activity.
January 25,2013 9th RIKEN Alumni Singapore Meeting at Biopolis
Guests of Honor of this meeting was Dr. Kenji OEDA, RIKEN Executive Director (International relations) .Other guests from RIKEN were Ms. Jessie XU and RIKEN Global Relations Office and RIKEN’s young researchers participated in the first Global Young Scientist Summit (GYSS) held in Singapore.
♦August 28, 2012 A group of students and teachers from Waseda University visited RIKEN Office. Director Kakihara lectured about Singapore and RIKEN’s activity.
February 7-8,2012 Prof Michael KHOR, Director, Research Support Office, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, visited RIKEN Headquarters, RIKEN Wako Institute and RIKEN Yokohama Institute (2012.2.7-8), followed by RIKEN Harima Institute, RIKEN Kobe Institute andRIKEN Next-Generation Supercomputer R&D Center (2012.3.13). RIKEN Singapore Representative Office Director Kakihara accompanied Prof. Khor.
(Photo) NTU Prof. Khor (second from right), RIKEN Singapore RO Mr. Kakihara (left) at RIKEN Next-Generation Supercomputer R&D Center
September 23,2011 RIKEN and University Malaya (UM) had signing ceremony at UM campus. Based on this MOU, UM and RIKEN will collaborate in research in the fields of chemistry and material science and students and staff exchanges.
Signing ceremony at University Malaya
September 22, 2011 the RIKEN Advanced Science Institute (ASI) and the Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) held an event to commemorate the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding between RIKEN and the USM together with the opening of the USM-RIKEN Joint Laboratory for Bioprobe Discovery at the Institute of Research in Molecular Medicine, USM.
-> For more about RIKEN President’s visits Malaysia and Singapore ,please visit RIKEN website at
Opening event for the joint laboratory
September 20, 2011 RIKEN and Nanyang Technological University (NTU) signed General Agreement on academic and research corporation and exchanges. The signing ceremony for the agreement took place at NTU campus in Singapore. After the ceremony, Prof Noyori toured NTU School of Physical & Mathematical Sciences laboratories and met its students.
(Left) NTU President Prof. Andersson
(Right)RIKEN President Prof. Noyori
Prof. Noyori and NTU students
September 19, 2011 8th RIKEN Alumni Singapore Meeting was held at Biopolis.
Guests of Honor of this meeting were Professor Noyori, RIKEN President, and Mrs. Noyori.
September 15, 2011 A group of students and teachers from Waseda University visited RIKEN Office. Director Kakihara lectured about Singapore and RIKEN’s activity.
September 1-2, 2011 RIKEN Singapore Director Kakihara visited RIKEN Advanced Institute for Computational Science(AICS),Kobe, Japan,the home of the world fastest supercomputer ” K computer “, and RIKEN Harima Institute, Harima, Japan.
June 24, 2011 RIKEN Singapore Director Kakihara attended opening ceremony of RIKEN Beijing Representative Office, RIKEN’s second overseas office, in Beijing, China.->RIKEN strengthens ties with China: Beijing Representative Office and new MOU (Link to RIKEN website)
March 31, 2011 RIKEN and Singapore’s A*STAR (the Agency for Science, Technology and Research) agreed Extension of Memorandum of Understanding on General Collaboration (MOU), which first concluded in September 2005 and extended it in 2008.
March 15, 2011 A group of students from Faculty of Economics, Chuo University, Japan, led by Prof. Taniguchi, visited RIKEN Office. Director Kakihara lectured about Singapore and its R&D policy activities.
February 22,2011 RIKEN Singapore Director Kakihara was invited as a speaker at a seminar organized by Jiji Press Singapore held at Four Seasons Hotel Singapore. He lectured about RIKEN and Singapore’s science and technology R&D policy for management personnel of Singapore-based Japanese companies.
December 30, 2010 RIKEN Singapore Director Kakihara was invited to a lunch meeting as one of guests organized by Japan’s Minister of State for Science and Technology Policy Banri Kaieda who was in official visit to Singapore. The guests, consisted of Japanese academia professionals worked in Singapore’s research institutes, told Minister Kaieda about their experiences in Singapore and suggested Japan-Singapore‘s future collaborations in science R&D.
September 21, 2010 A group of students from Faculty of Economics, Kyoto University, Japan, led by Prof. Imakubo, visited RIKEN Office and Biopolis. Director Kakihara lectured about Singapore and its R&D policy activities.
August 30, 2010 A group of students and teachers from Waseda University visited RIKEN Office. Director Kakihara lectured about Singapore and RIKEN’s activity.
July 26-27, 2010 Delegation from RIKEN mainly from Yokohama Institute visited and held meetings with National Research Foundation (NRF), A*STAR,NUS and NTU for discussing research collaboration.
May 5, 2010 Senior Vice Minister Masaharu Nakagawa of Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology(MEXT)visited Singapore and organized a meeting with Japanese professionals working in Singapore from both industry and academia to seek their advices on international cooperation and strategy for promoting Japan’s science and technology.This meeting was held at RIKEN Singapore office and Director Kakihara was invited as one of guests.
2010.3.30 March 30, 2010 Members of SAITAMA Tourism Assembly Member League from Japan visited RIKEN Singapore office. Mr. Kakihara lectured about Singapore’s R&D policy and RIKEN’s activity.
♦March 11, 2010 RIKEN Singapore Director Mr. Kakihara was invited as a speaker at a symposium organised by Kyoto University Innovative Collaboration Center, Japan.He lectured about Singapore’s Biomedical R&D policy.
March 5, 2010 7th RIKEN Alumni Singapore Meeting at RIKEN Singapore Office.
January 28, 2010Mr.Hiroyuki Yamamoto,Director,Japan Creative Centre visited Biopolis and RIKEN Office(center in the photo).
January 26,2010 The Japanese School, Singapore Changi Campus PTA members visited Biopolis. RIKEN Singapore Office Director Mr. Kakihara as one of lecturers made presentations about introduction of RIKEN as well as Biopolis & Fusionopolis.
September 18, 2009 Japan Science and Technology Agency(JST) President Dr. Koichi Kitagawa visited Biopolis to attend JST Singapore Office’s opening ceremony.RIKEN Singapore Director Kakihara had a meeting with Dr. Kitagawa and attended the ceremony.
September 7, 2009Prof. Yoshiaki Ito, Deputy Director, Cancer Science Institute of Singapore, NUS, Prof. Tanabe and students from Tokyo Institute of Technology Study Group visited RIKEN Singapore Office.
August 25, 2009Lecturer,staff and students from Waseda University, Japan, visited RIKEN Singapore Office and had a lecture from Director Kakihara on RIKEN and Singapore’s R&D activity.
August 3, 2009 An undergraduate-based research work MESCORP 2008/2010 (Multimedia University Engineering Society Overseas Research Program) team, which is initiated by Multimedia University’s engineering students, visited RIKEN Singapore Office and interviewed Director Kakihara for their research work during their stay in Singapore.
June 18, 2009 RIKEN Research Center for Allergy and Immunology (RCAI) , Laboratory for Cell Signaling Group Director Dr. Takashi SAITO and Laboratory for Lymphocyte Differentiation, Group Director Dr. Tomohiro KUROSAKI was invited as a speaker at SIgN-IFReC Joint Symposium held at Biopolis, Singapore.
May 19, 2009 6th RIKEN Alumni Singapore Meeting was held at Biopolis.
May 20,2009 RIKEN-National University of Singapore(NUS)-Nanyang Technological University (NTU) Joint Seminar: Frontier of Chemical and Material Sciences was held at NTU,Singapore.
May 18-19, 2009 RIKEN-A*STAR (Agency for Science, Technology and Research)Joint Symposium 2009 was held at Biopolis,Singapore. RIKEN Advance Science Institute(ASI) and the Science and Engineering Research Council (SERC) of A*STAR co-organized a 2 day joint symposium.
The sessions included;
->Report on RIKEN-A*STAR Joint Symposium 2009 : RIKEN Research English journal 17 July 2009
November 30, 2008 RIKEN and University of Science,Malaysia(Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM)) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU).
November 28, 2008 5th RIKEN Alumni Singapore Meeting was held at RIKEN Singapore office.
November 5,2008 RIKEN Advance Science Institute(ASI) Deputy Director Prof Yoshihito OSADA, Computational Astrophysics Laboratory Dr.Toshiaki IITAKAand former RIKEN Computational Science Div. scientist and Tohoku University(Japan) Prof Fabio PICHIERRI participated in AsiaNANO 2008(2008.11.3-7) held at Biopolis and visited RIKEN Singapore.
Fusionopolis (phase 1)
(Photo courtecy of JTC)
October 17, 2008 RIKEN Singapore Director Kakihara attended Opening Ceremony of Fusionopolis,Singapore’s second major R&D hub in 5 years after Biopolis.
October 10, 2008 RIKEN Singapore Director Kakihara was invited to be a speaker of “The 3rd Nagasaki Symposium on Tropical and Emerging Infectious Diseases & the 9th Nagasaki-Singapore Medical Symposiums ” organized by Institute of Tropical Medicine-Nagasaki University in Nagasaki city, Japan.
2008.9.19 RIKEN’s Global Relations Office (GRO) Director Yutani visited the Agency for Science, Technology and Research(A*STAR), National University of Singapore (NUS)and Nanyang Technological University(NTU) to discuss collaboration between RIKEN and the institutes.
September 3-4, 2008 The NUS Cancer Research Centre of Excellence’s Director Professor Daniel G. Tenen and Deputy Director Professor Yoshiaki Ito visited RIKEN Kobe Institute and RIKEN Yokohama Institute.
July 28, 2008 The 3rd Medicinal Chemistry Symposium on “Trends in Medicinal Chemistry and Chemical Biology” was held at National University of Singapore (NUS).
It was attended by over 80 participants from 6 institutions. 2 of invited speakers ware Chemical Biology Research Group Leader Dr Hiroyuki Osada and Chemical Genetics Laboratory chief Scientist Dr Minoru Yoshida from RIKEN Advanced Science Institute (ASI).
July 25, 2008 RIKEN Singapore Director Kakihara, Scientists from RIKEN Advanced Science Research Institute (ASI)and Officers from RIKEN’s Global Relation Office (GRO) visited University of Science, Malaysia(Universiti Sains Malaysia, USM)to discuss collaboration between RIKEN and USM.
July 17, 2008 4th RIKEN Alumni Singapore Meeting was held at RIKEN Singapore Office.
July 16-17, 2008 Delegates of Scientists from RIKEN Advanced Science Institute(ASI) visited Institutes and Laboratories of A*STAR Science and Engineering Research Council (SERC) .
May 12, 2008 Singapore A*STAR Chairman Mr. LIM Chuan Poh and A*STAR Science and Engineering Research Council (SERC) Executive Director Prof. CHONG Tow Chong visited RIKEN Advanced Science Institute(ASI), Wako, Japan.
Front row from left to right : RIKEN Executive Director Dr. Doi, RIKEN President Dr. Noyori,
A*STAR Chairman Mr. Lim and A*STAR SERC Executive Director Prof. Chong
April 15, 2008 Mr. Kakihara, Director of RIKEN Singapore Representative Office, was a panelist to discuss on “How Asian nonprofits organizations can help your company innovate and accelerate biotherapeutics development.” chaired by Dr Andre Wan, Deputy Executive Director, ASTAR, at BioTherapeutics Asia 2008 (14th-17th April) held at Suntec Convention Centre, Singapore.
March 31, 2008 RIKEN and Singapore’s A*STAR (the Agency for Science, Technology and Research) agreed Extension of Memorandum of Understanding on General Collaboration (MOU), which first concluded in September 2005. Under this MOU, RIKEN and A*STAR intend to collaborate on scientific research, through their various institutes, in science and engineering research as well as life sciences and biotechnology, with a view to making large contributions to these fields and to international society.
January 10, 2008 Nobel Laureate in Chemistry (2001), RIKEN President Professor Ryoji Noyori was at Biopolis in Singapore to be a guest speaker and panelist for Molecular Frontiers Symposium/Forum 2008.
November 24-28, 2007 The fourth ARBS meeting on Reproductive Biotechnology, Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine was held in Singapore on November 24-26, 2007, followed by a two-day post-conference scientific excursion. The meeting was co-hosted by the RIKEN Center for Developmental Biology (Kobe, Japan) and the National University of Singapore (NUS).
August 8-19, 2007 RIKEN was invited to join National Science and Technology Fair 2007 in Bangkok, Thailand.The fair’s main theme was “Sustainable Energy”.RIKEN’s booth featured physiological active substances derived from Nomura’s jellyfish, bioenergy resource research using analysis of termite ecosystems, biobased polymer research of bacteria and plants, and plant bleeding using baryon beam.
Photo at RIKEN’s booth: Dr.Pinsurang (She studied at RIKEN) and her students from Kasetsart University,Bangkok. They helped RIKEN as translators. Mr.Kakihara, Director of RIKEN Singapore (center)
July 30, 2007 Tun Dr. Mahathir bin Mohamad, the former Prime Minister of Malaysia, has been selected to be the second RIKEN Honorary Fellow. The fellowship program aims to motivate RIKEN’s researchers and to improve its international character. The ceremony was held at RIKEN, Japan (photo).
In the ceremony: (Right) Prof. Noyori, President of RIKEN, (Left) Dr. Mahathir bin Mohamad, the former Prime Minister of Malaysia
May18-19, 2007 RIKEN – School of Biological Sciences (SBS) of Nanyang Technological University (NTU) Joint Workshop
“From Genomics Toward Genomic Medicine” was held at NTU campus, Singapore.
Speakers from RIKEN & NTU
May16, 2007 2nd RIKEN Alumni Singapore Meeting at the networking dinner at Biopolis,Singapore.
May16, 2007 RIKEN – A*STAR (Agency for Science, Technology and Research)Joint Symposium on Immunology & Developmental Biology was held at Biopolis,Singapore.
-> Related news from RIKEN Research
From left to right: A*STAR Chairman Mr. Lim Chuan Poh, RIKEN Executive Director Dr. Kenji Takeda, RIKEN Research Center for Allergy and Immunology Director Dr. Masaru Taniguchi
May 14-15, 2007 A*STAR-Noyori Forum Joint Symposium on Organic Chemistry was held at Biopolis, Singapore.
RIKEN President Prof. Noyori(3rd from right), A*STAR Chairman Mr. Lim Chuan Poh(3rd from left)
RIKEN President Prof. Noyori at RIKEN Singapore Office
May 8, 2007 Press Conference in Singapore: RIKEN’s Genome Exploration Research Group of Genome Science Centre (GSC) (currently Omics Science Center), Director Dr. Yoshihide HAYASHIZAKI, in collaboration with National University of Singapore (NUS) and National University Hospital,Singapore (NUH) has launched a feasibility study on the clinical application of SMAP for point-of-care diagnosis of drug efficacy.
December 12-15, 2006 RIKEN and the Government of India agree to Promote Collaboration in Science and Technology. Prime Ministers Singh and Abe issue a joint statement emphasizing cooperation between RIKEN and the Department of Science and Technology
->RIKEN Press Release
July 27, 2006 Lecture @ Biopolis: Dr. Makoto Taiji , Team Leader of RIKEN Genomic Sciences Center (GSC) (currently Group Director of Computational Systems Biology Research Group, RIKEN Advanced Science Institute) gave a talk on Molecular dynamics Simulations of Proteins with a Petaflops Special-Purpose Computer.
2006.7.24 Lecture @ Biopolis: Dr. Mariko Hatakeyama, Team Leader of RIKEN Genomic Sciences Center (GSC) ( currently Team Leader of Cellular Systems Modelling Team, RIKEN Advanced Science Institute) gave a talk on Model-based analyses of RTK-signal transduction pathways in breast cancer cells.
April 21, 2006 RIKEN’s first overseas representative office,RIKEN Singapore Representative Office was opened at Biopolis,Sinagpore.
Left to right: Mr. Kakihara, Mr. Yeo(Chairman ofA*STAR), and Dr. Takeda (RIKEN Executive Director ), on the tour of RIKEN Singapore Representative Office.
September 16, 2005 Memorandum of Understanding on General Collaboration on life sciences and biotechnology between RIKEN and Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR), Singapore was signed on September 16, 2005.
-> RIKEN Press Release
(left) Prof. Noyori, President of RIKEN, (right) Mr. Yeo, Chairman of A*STAR