November 30, 2008 RIKEN and University of Science,Malaysia(Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM)) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU).
November 28, 2008 5th RIKEN Alumni Singapore Meeting was held at RIKEN Singapore office.
November 5,2008 RIKEN Advance Science Institute(ASI) Deputy Director Prof Yoshihito OSADA, Computational Astrophysics Laboratory Dr.Toshiaki IITAKAand former RIKEN Computational Science Div. scientist and Tohoku University(Japan) Prof Fabio PICHIERRI participated in AsiaNANO 2008(2008.11.3-7) held at Biopolis and visited RIKEN Singapore.
October 17, 2008 RIKEN Singapore Director Kakihara attended Opening Ceremony of Fusionopolis,Singapore’s second major R&D hub in 5 years after Biopolis.
October 10, 2008 RIKEN Singapore Director Kakihara was invited to be a speaker of “The 3rd Nagasaki Symposium on Tropical and Emerging Infectious Diseases & the 9th Nagasaki-Singapore Medical Symposiums ” organized by Institute of Tropical Medicine-Nagasaki University in Nagasaki city, Japan.
2008.9.19 RIKEN’s Global Relations Office (GRO) Director Yutani visited the Agency for Science, Technology and Research(A*STAR), National University of Singapore (NUS)and Nanyang Technological University(NTU) to discuss collaboration between RIKEN and the institutes.
September 3-4, 2008 The NUS Cancer Research Centre of Excellence’s Director Professor Daniel G. Tenen and Deputy Director Professor Yoshiaki Ito visited RIKEN Kobe Institute and RIKEN Yokohama Institute.
July 28, 2008 The 3rd Medicinal Chemistry Symposium on “Trends in Medicinal Chemistry and Chemical Biology” was held at National University of Singapore (NUS).
It was attended by over 80 participants from 6 institutions. 2 of invited speakers ware Chemical Biology Research Group Leader Dr Hiroyuki Osada and Chemical Genetics Laboratory chief Scientist Dr Minoru Yoshida from RIKEN Advanced Science Institute (ASI).
July 25, 2008 RIKEN Singapore Director Kakihara, Scientists from RIKEN Advanced Science Research Institute (ASI)and Officers from RIKEN’s Global Relation Office (GRO) visited University of Science, Malaysia(Universiti Sains Malaysia, USM)to discuss collaboration between RIKEN and USM.
July 17, 2008 4th RIKEN Alumni Singapore Meeting was held at RIKEN Singapore Office.
July 16-17, 2008 Delegates of Scientists from RIKEN Advanced Science Institute(ASI) visited Institutes and Laboratories of A*STAR Science and Engineering Research Council (SERC) .
May 12, 2008 Singapore A*STAR Chairman Mr. LIM Chuan Poh and A*STAR Science and Engineering Research Council (SERC) Executive Director Prof. CHONG Tow Chong visited RIKEN Advanced Science Institute(ASI), Wako, Japan.
April 15, 2008 Mr. Kakihara, Director of RIKEN Singapore Representative Office, was a panelist to discuss on “How Asian nonprofits organizations can help your company innovate and accelerate biotherapeutics development.” chaired by Dr Andre Wan, Deputy Executive Director, ASTAR, at BioTherapeutics Asia 2008 (14th-17th April) held at Suntec Convention Centre, Singapore.
March 31, 2008 RIKEN and Singapore’s A*STAR (the Agency for Science, Technology and Research) agreed Extension of Memorandum of Understanding on General Collaboration (MOU), which first concluded in September 2005. Under this MOU, RIKEN and A*STAR intend to collaborate on scientific research, through their various institutes, in science and engineering research as well as life sciences and biotechnology, with a view to making large contributions to these fields and to international society.
January 10, 2008 Nobel Laureate in Chemistry (2001), RIKEN President Professor Ryoji Noyori was at Biopolis in Singapore to be a guest speaker and panelist for Molecular Frontiers Symposium/Forum 2008.